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Bible study plan 2019

Today we read:
Jeremiah 4-6
Hebrew 3-6

-Food for thought day 278-

• 2 Peter 3:9
• John 4:34

Love never loses focus. When your focus towards the things of God is easily broken, you should question your love for God.

Jesus Christ died for the sins of this world more than two thousands years ago, yet God’s love and purpose for this world has not changed. He still wishes that all men should be saved, irrespective of the evil deeds in this world (2 Peter 3:9).

Jesus Christ was ostracised by men that He came to save, yet He said: “…. nevertheless not My will be done but Thine be done…” On the cross, He pleaded forgiveness of sins for all and to all who will believe in His name (Luke 22:42; Luke 23:34).

In all these things His love to do God’s Will and to finish the Work did not stop. He gave His life for our sins and declared: “it’s finished (John 4:34; 19:30)!”

We should not let anything break our focus from walking in God’s love; that is the reason why God sent Jesus Christ to save us.

Focus on working on your love relationship with God.

Remember: walking in love is fulfilling God’s Will for your life.

Focus on God’s love!

Many blessings in Jesus’ Name.

Think and Act!!!!!