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Genesis 1:1-11
2 Corinthians 4:7
Romans 8:19
James 4:7
In Genesis 1, you read the pattern that we must follow: manifestation starts with light.
When light came, the earth was covered with something that prevented it from appearing, though it had been there since verse 9.
A prayer for something to come will never work until you deal with what is blocking your breakthrough from manifesting.

Ignorance is the presence of darkness; you are unaware of certain information, and that area remains in darkness, needing light to shine. This is why we need to pray.
In prayer, God can shine light and give us power over our oppressors. This is what happened to Daniel, he had already contended with those powers to the point where he became a principality himself. That is what kept him from being thrown into the furnace with his friends, the three Hebrew boys.

It’s not just Christians who have to fight in prayer to manifest; even those in the world, if they really want to rise to their position, consult the stars.

Nothing just happens by chance. Someone is praying for your manifestation, they need light!
Romans 8:19, whenever there is a prophecy, there will be a battle to fight; opposition is a sign that your position is changing. In your fight, there is a place for humility, you must humble yourself.
James 4:7, no evil force will ever leave you if you don’t submit, no demon will bow if you are proud.
God looks at your heart more than at your words.

Prayerpoint : Come against any evil power contending with your manifestation as a child of God