Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Mathew 11:28
Supposing a friend of yours is having a party and gives an invitation to come. It’s up to you to attend to the invitation or turn it down.
The word rest means: to be free from anxiety, disturbance and to be confident.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers.” Philipians 4:6
So is God Almighty inviting all today to come. Remember He will never ask you to do anything when He has not giving you the ability to do it. Every human being on earth posses already from God the ability to will.
God Almighty wants you to come to Him the way you are irrespective of your challenge and lifestyle. Surrender yourself and your request to Him. For Him to give such an invitation that means He already knows all about you before He is asking you to come.
… The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” John 6:37
He promises rest to you if you only honour His invitation. This invitation is to all who have tried their own methods of entering rest. They finally find out that rest is not in things, people or trying to amend their circumstances with their methods.
Human beings can not find rest nowhere else except in God Almighty in Christ.
Let’s pray together and confess with me out loud:
Heavenly Father,
I come to you the way I am. I cease today from my own methods and I lay down my burdens at your feet. I choose to accept your invitation of rest. Forgive all my sins. I believe Jesus died for my sins and was raise from the death for my Justification. Today I acknowledge Jesus as my Savior and Lord. And I accept the rest you are offering to me in Jesus name. Amen