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Bible Study Plan 2019

Today we read:

Job 1:1-22
Job 2:1-13
Job 3:1-26
Matthew 18:10-35
Psalms 16:1-11

– Food for thought day 26 –

• Genesis 45:10-11,20
• 1 Kings 17:2-5

There is a place of supernatural provision for the fulfillment of God’s plan for our lives. And until we are in that place we will struggle. As a matter of fact, we all must come there because God has commissioned us all to be a blessing to our generation.

Looking at the life of Joseph in the beginning, it didn’t look like his dreams would ever come to pass, due to the challenges he faced. But God was using his problems to usher him to the place of prominence He had for him.

Joseph went to Egypt as a slave and ended up becoming a master to the Egyptians. For God used the evil schemes of his adversaries to bring him to the place of fulfillment of the God given dreams for his life. It was in the land of his affliction were he experienced God’s supernatural provision and fulfillment of his God given dreams for his life.

Our challenges only usher us to the great and effectual door God has for us. Behind every challenge lies the commanded blessings of God.

It is our duty to ask God to usher us to His place of divine provision for our lives.

Elijah was in the right place of God, that is why in famine he was sustained.

It is not about getting a job or doing business, it is about working and doing business in God’s ordained place so that God can use us to be a blessing to our generation.

May God Almighty usher us all to His place of fulfillment of His dream for our lives in Jesus’ Name.

Many blessings in Jesus’ Name!

Think and Act!!!!!